Bonjour! Hello. What is happening?
CONCEPT ART- I’ve collected below a few images from my ‘concept art’ folder for THE GAUNTLET AND THE FIST BENEATH. Since the project began I’ve been collecting bits and pieces from all over the place whenever they feel right. You can also check out this Pinterest board for more ideas of what inspired the world of my first novel
WRITING UPDATE- currently waiting on some final notes for THE GAUNTLET AND THE FIST BENEATH, and I’m underway with Book 2! Plotting this has been a lot of fun, and I think there is a lot of great action to come. GAUNTLET is a fast-paced adventure, so I’m hoping to maintain the momentum with book 2 even as we see more of the world of Morost and the people within it.
LIFE- I’ve now been in Algiers for just over a month. My french is slowly improving, and I’m exploring more every day. It is a beautiful city and I’ve not even begun to scratch the surface, but so far the people are lovely and the food is great so I’m happy
Whats coming up? Hopefully some travel (COVID allowing) and a lot more writing. Trying to figure the best way for sharing stuff like concept art and cool things I find during research, mainly it will be on twitter I think!