It is here! Still Worlds Turning, an anthology curated by the lovely No Alibi Press in Northern Ireland, has now launched. My story HIGHGATE is a short piece about love, dialectical materialism, and nature’s disregard for the works of humankind. There are some great writers in this collection, I’ll be reading at the London launch on Wednesday July 31st, Brick Lane Books, 7pm. Should be a lot of fun!

This month I’ve been in China with work where I finally finished Cixin Liu’s Remembrance of Earth's Past trilogy with Death’s End- reading this by the river in Shanghai was a superb way to spend time. I striuggled with elements of the first two books, but the grandiosity and utter commiitment to the central conceits carried me through and I’m glad they did. Then back to reality- reality being attending the Arthur C. Clarke awards (which were great), recording our new D&D game for The Lost Lighthouse, editing my fantasy novel that I am deeply in love with, and considering some more esoteric platforms for putting out an older experimental novel I wrote and a horror novelette (THE OSSUARY TRACT) that originally appeared in a collection now out of print.

What else? Reading historical sources about strange lights in the sky. Reading books about treasure hunting, ancient warfare, and climate change. Life is strange, and fun.
