STILL WORLDS TURNING which contains my story Highgate is garnering some great reviews and feedback, check it out if you haven’t:
The Irish Times: “An irresistibly moreish collection”
Nina Allan “deserves notice as a key reference point for what is happening in fiction right now”
Belfast Telegraph “compelling, inventive imaginations”
Second news (this is the big bit)- I’m moving to ALGIERS!
This is pretty wild. Still planning on walking Pacific Crest Trail next summer (hiking Mexico to Canada April-Sept), but then next autumn I’m relocating to Algiers for three years. This means maybe a drop of writing time next summer, but after that should be able to dedicate much more time than I can with my current job. So more content, more stories, more longer pieces. Excited doesn’t cover it. I need to learn French…
The fantasy novel is done. There are wee edits to be made, things to be finessed, but it is ready to face the agents so I am polishing the final pitch and whittling down my shortlist. It is a fantasy adventure, with animist gods, brutal juntas, and mysterious lights in the sky that snatch children in the night.