Short story of mine, The Once and Future Book, was shortlisted for the FutureBook Future Fiction short story competition 2018 . There are some really great stories in the shortlist that I recommend checking out.
…and, at the FutureBook 2018 conference on Friday…
I won!
I gave a short reading from the story and then took part in a panel discussion on the future of the book with Anna Jean Hughes (Founder and editorial Director of The Pigeonhole), Aki Schilz (Editorial Services Manager at The Literary Consultancy), Anwen Hoosen (Founder of Bird Literary agency), and Natasha Bardon (Publishing Director at HarperVoyager)
An incredible panel of people- I had a great time, though we maybe went a little far down the rabbit-hole of AI (entirely my fault).
The prize judges were Tom Hunter, (Director of the Arthur C. Clarke award (!)), Anna Jean Hughes (Founder and editorial Director of The Pigeonhole), and Molly Flatt (Author/journalist/consultant/Associate Editor of Futurebook) whose enthusiasm was a delight to see.
Overall a very positive experience- read some great stories and met some very interesting people. I should enter more competitions!