I need to update more! The beautiful paperback of THE GAUNTLET AND THE BURNING BLADE is out now- I love the new design they have gone for with this, looks like absoclutely classic fantasy. I’ve done a little fireside excerpt from THE GAUNTLET AND THE FIST BENEATH (video below, and on my nascent youtube channel).
I had a lot of fun at Eastercon in Birmingham on all kinds of panels with lovely authors- always a great chance to meet the community who make British SFF so strong.
What else? Book 3 of THE ROTSTORM is with the publishers. THE GAUNTLET AND THE BROKEN CHAIN will be out in August, and I can’t wait to share the ending of this story with you all, I can’t quite believe the whole trilogy will be out in the world. It is a dream.
Beyond all that, I’m on the move again- after summer I’ll be in Turkey for a few years. So taking that as an excuse to eat Turkish food and play on Duolingo. I’m also working with City University fo London as a mentor on their MFA programme, which is a lot of fun and something a little different.
And am I writing? I am writing. The next secret project (codename SNAKE VENOM) is nearing completion- more on that to come!
“Excellent, vivid worldbuilding... A gripping story with cinematic detail”